Work published in 2022 at SBC - Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica. The work was the winner of the Theses and Dissertations Competition in Robotics, Master’s category, in 2022. This work presents a cognitive agent based on the CONAIM model (Conscious Attention-Based Integrated Model) that can incrementally learn procedures for carrying out experiments inspired by the first three sensorymotor substages of Jean Piaget’s Theory.

Aprendizado procedimental e sensório-motor em robôs cognitivos (PT) Procedural and sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots (EN) / 2022 / SBC - Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica

This work presents a cognitive agent based on the CONAIM model (Conscious Attention-Based Integrated Model) that can incrementally learn procedures for carrying out experiments inspired by the first three sensorymotor substages of Jean Piaget’s Theory. The agent was implemented using the Cognitive Systems Toolkit (CST) and validated with mobile robots in simulated environments. Results shown that this approach can solve complex object tracking experiments incrementally.

ROSSI, Leonardo L.; BERTO, Letícia M.; ROHMER, Eric; COSTA, Paula P.; GUDWIN, Ricardo R.; COLOMBINI, Esther L.; SIMÕES, Alexandre S.. Aprendizado procedimental e sensório-motor em robôs cognitivos. In: GRADUATE WORKS CONTEST IN ROBOTICS - CTDR (MSC) - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM OF ROBOTICS & LATIN AMERICAN ROBOTICS SYMPOSIUM (SBR/LARS), 14. , 2022, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais […]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 73-84.