aboutme (1) attention (1) award (1) beautiful_jekyll (2) c (2) cmake (1) cognitive (1) csharp (2) csr (1) css (3) ctdr (1) cuda (1) deep_learning (4) drives (1) en (16) git (14) html (3) icdl (2) ieee (2) image_processing (1) impulses (1) java (2) javascript (3) jint (1) jornal (1) jupyter_notebook (7) matlab (1) motivation (1) natural_language_processing (2) news (1) paper (5) pt_br (4) python (7) repository (14) ruby (2) sbc (1) sciencedirect (1) springer (1) unesp (1)

 aboutme (1)

About me

 attention (1)

Repository - Attention Trail

 award (1)

News - Award-winning research seeks to create artificial intelligence capable of reproducing children's learning stages

 beautiful_jekyll (2)

Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page

 c (2)

Repository - Attention Trail
Repository - opencv

 cmake (1)

Repository - opencv

 cognitive (1)

Repository - Attention Trail

 csharp (2)

Repository - C#
Repository - C# Final Project (PT-BR)

 csr (1)

Paper - Piagetian experiments to DevRobotics

 css (3)

Repository - Software engineering
Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page

 ctdr (1)

Paper - Procedural and sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots (PT_BR)

 cuda (1)

Repository - opencv

 deep_learning (4)

Repository - PPO agent with contrastive learning algorithm ST-DIM
Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Deep Learning Projects
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project

 drives (1)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots

 en (16)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots
Repository - Attention Trail
Paper - A Procedural Constructive Learning Mechanism with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cognitive Agents
Repository - Software engineering
Repository - Image Processing
Repository - C#
Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page
Paper - Piagetian experiments to DevRobotics
News - Award-winning research seeks to create artificial intelligence capable of reproducing children's learning stages
Repository - PPO agent with contrastive learning algorithm ST-DIM
Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Deep Learning Projects
Repository - Matlab 3D plots
Repository - Pokémon RL
Paper - Learning over the Attentional Space with Mobile Robots

 git (14)

Repository - Attention Trail
Repository - Software engineering
Repository - Image Processing
Repository - C#
Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page
Repository - C# Final Project (PT-BR)
Repository - PPO agent with contrastive learning algorithm ST-DIM
Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Deep Learning Projects
Repository - Matlab 3D plots
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project
Repository - Pokémon RL
Repository - opencv

 html (3)

Repository - Software engineering
Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page

 icdl (2)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots
Paper - Learning over the Attentional Space with Mobile Robots

 ieee (2)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots
Paper - Learning over the Attentional Space with Mobile Robots

 image_processing (1)

Repository - opencv

 impulses (1)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots

 java (2)

Repository - Attention Trail
Repository - opencv

 javascript (3)

Repository - Software engineering
Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page

 jint (1)

Paper - A Procedural Constructive Learning Mechanism with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cognitive Agents

 jornal (1)

News - Award-winning research seeks to create artificial intelligence capable of reproducing children's learning stages

 jupyter_notebook (7)

Repository - Image Processing
Repository - PPO agent with contrastive learning algorithm ST-DIM
Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Deep Learning Projects
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project
Repository - Pokémon RL
Repository - opencv

 matlab (1)

Repository - Matlab 3D plots

 motivation (1)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots

 natural_language_processing (2)

Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project

 news (1)

News - Award-winning research seeks to create artificial intelligence capable of reproducing children's learning stages

 paper (5)

Drives and Impulses - Shaping Motivation and Procedural Learning for Humanoid Robots
Paper - A Procedural Constructive Learning Mechanism with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cognitive Agents
Paper - Piagetian experiments to DevRobotics
Paper - Procedural and sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots (PT_BR)
Paper - Learning over the Attentional Space with Mobile Robots

 pt_br (4)

Repository - C# Final Project (PT-BR)
Paper - Procedural and sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots (PT_BR)
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project
Repository - opencv

 python (7)

Repository - Image Processing
Repository - PPO agent with contrastive learning algorithm ST-DIM
Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Deep Learning Projects
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project
Repository - Pokémon RL
Repository - opencv

 repository (14)

Repository - Attention Trail
Repository - Software engineering
Repository - Image Processing
Repository - C#
Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page
Repository - C# Final Project (PT-BR)
Repository - PPO agent with contrastive learning algorithm ST-DIM
Repository - Natural Language Processing Projects
Repository - Deep Learning Projects
Repository - Matlab 3D plots
Repository - Querido Diário - Natural Language Processing Project
Repository - Pokémon RL
Repository - opencv

 ruby (2)

Repository - PhD project page - CogScore
Repository - Personal Page

 sbc (1)

Paper - Procedural and sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots (PT_BR)

 sciencedirect (1)

Paper - Piagetian experiments to DevRobotics

 springer (1)

Paper - A Procedural Constructive Learning Mechanism with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cognitive Agents

 unesp (1)

News - Award-winning research seeks to create artificial intelligence capable of reproducing children's learning stages