🇧🇷🏳️‍🌈🖖 Alola! Hi! :)

I’m an Electrical Engineering MSc and Control and Automation Engineer, graduated from the Institute of Science and Technology of Sorocaba (ICTS UNESP).

🔎 My master’s dissertation is titled “Aprendizado sensório-motor em robôs cognitivos utilizando o modelo CST-CONAIM” (2021) (“Sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots using the CST-CONAIM model”) (2021).

🏆 My master’s dissertation won the first place in the Robotics Thesis and Dissertations Competition, 2022 edition, with the work “Aprendizado procedimental e sensório-motor em robôs cognitivos” (2022) (“Procedural and sensorimotor learning in cognitive robots (2022)”).

♦️ We also had a published paper: “Learning over the Attentional Space with Mobile Robots” (2020).

I am currently a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC/UNICAMP).

💭 I’m member of the Cognitive Architectures area at H.IAAC (Hub of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Architectures), which aims the development and dissemination of technologies capable of integrating intelligence resources in mobile devices, making them able to take decisions.

♦️ Recently, we had some published papers related to Cognitive Architectures and Development Robotics:

🤖 My research areas involve Automation, Cognitive Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

My Curriculum Lattes is http://lattes.cnpq.br/7488267373775314.

I am also an organization member at RoboCup Brasil, helping to organize national educational robotics events in Brazil:

Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat more about Cognitive Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or Deep Learning. You can find me on GitHub  @leolellisr, LinkedIn, or drop me an email at  l261900@dac.unicamp.br. Let’s connect and explore the fascinating world of AI and robotics together! 🤗🤖📚